Crocodile Creek

Crocodile Creek inspires children through the art of play. Raspberry Lane proudly presents the Crocodile Creek selection of thoughtful, beautifully designed, high quality puzzles to delight the children in our world. 

There are many benefits to enjoying Crocodile Creek Puzzles including promoting enhanced memory accelerated ingenuity - looking at problems from completely different angles and discovering different approaches. 

Crocodile Creek Puzzles are available in various sizes to suit different ages - from the 2 piece beginner puzzles designed to promote 'sorting' skills in the littlest puzzle people, to large piece floor puzzles and more advanced puzzles for the whole family to enjoy.

Puzzles are a great way to enjoy some quiet time or have have family time together and watching your kiddos enjoy the satisfaction and pride of completing their favourite Crocodile Creek Puzzles!

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42 results